
A European leader in Natural Consumer Healthcare with a clear purpose: nature enhanced by science as the most effective and sustainable way to improve human health and wellbeing.

Uriach is an international family company based in Barcelona. Since the foundation of the company, taking care of people has been the core of what we do, our reason for being. 185 years and 6 generations later, the healing of people continues to be the driver of our activity.

Uriach has been registering double-digit growth in the last decade with a strong track record of internationalization, while running a responsible business, adaptability and development of cutting-edge products and brands with the consumer at the heart of our strategy that highlight our commitment to society.

A purpose-driven company!

Our purpose is clear: we believe in the power of nature enhanced by science, as the most effective and sustainable way to improve human health and wellbeing. We want to have a positive impact on both people's lives and our planet.


Uriach's strategy is based on 6 pillars

Uriach has evolved in a decade from a local OTC champion to a leading Natural Consumer Healthcare player in Europe. The secret to Uriach´s successful is based on six pillars:

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Innovate to have the best products six pillars01

Innovate to have the best products

Build love brands six pillars02

Build love brands

Accelerate growth six pillars03

Accelerate growth

Sustain high profitabilitysix pillars04

Sustain high profitability

Inspire unleash peoples talent six pillars05

Inspire & unleash people's talent

Governance corporate reputation six pillars06

Governance & corporate reputation

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Our presence in the world

Today we cover key European markets with direct presence in 11 countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Romania, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, and Slovakia).

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Where we are


Direct presence in Europe

HQ Barcelona, Spain

  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Italy
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Romania
  • Greece
  • Belgium
  • France

1300 Over Collaborator

Our Governance

Being part of Uriach is to be part of a human Company that, generation after generation, decision after decision, has a firm commitment to a business management approach that seeks and finds, and the creation of shared value in everything we do. A Company committed to operating at the highest standards of corporate governance and professionalism. Corporate governance is controlled by the Uriach family, as shareholder and family business, delegating the administration of the group to a team of professionals who head up and manage the firm.


Enrique Uriach

Chairman Owners Council

Luis Cantarell

Chairman Board of Directors

Oriol Segarra


Family Owners Council

It is the highest governing body of Corporación J. Uriach, consisting of Uriach family shareholders, members from various generations of the family, and an independent external member. This entity manages the political rights of Uriach family shareholders, considering the strategy and values of the family as a long-term shareholder of the company.


It is the highest governing body of the Uriach Group and it is represented by its two partners: Corporación J. Uriach, which holds 70% of the shares and is owned by the Uriach family (Enrique Uriach, Javier Uriach, Marta Uriach, Juan Uriach, Joaquín Uriach), and ICG, the minority financial partner holding 30% of the shares.

Board of Directors

It is the collegiate body responsible for the administration and control of the company, with the main functions and responsibilities of supervising the management of business performance, representing shareholders, and making key decisions. It is composed of independent advisors, proprietary directors, and one Executive Director.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (‘ExCo’) is the executive body responsible for setting the organisation's strategic direction and business plan, determining long-term objectives and defining how to achieve them. It is led by the CEO and composed of the Chiefs of the different functional areas, as well as the Country Directors of each subsidiary group.

We are here for you. Contact us!

You can get in touch with us in several ways.


Avinguda de la Generalitat 163-167 Sant Cugat del Vallès · 08174 · Barcelona · Spain


+34 900 12 20 13

Our other addresses around the world

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